The prices of bumper cars for sale are completely different due to different sizes, themes, specifications and materials. Following are the price range for different model dodgems. This price range is for your reference only.

The bumper car price range mentioned above is for your reference only. For specific price range, you can consult bumper car amusement equipment manufacturers. In addition, there are other factors that influence the price.

  • Material: For bumper car ride, there are FRP material and Steel material. Typically, the material of FRP material is more expensive than steel. However, fiberglass material has a long service life and longer durability. But the cost is very high. So the price is also high.

  • Customization: Customization bumper car ride is more expensive than common dashing cars. You can customize the theme. For example, antique-themed bumper cars and cartoon-themed bumper cars, etc. In addition, customization of patterns and colors also affects this price. It virtually increases design costs.

  • Manufacturer and brand: Reputable bumper car manufacturer can produce high quality bumper car ride. But the price is very high. At the same time, it can also provide complete after-sale service for you. Moreover, advanced production technology and production level make the quality of bumper cars better. Therefore, the price will be higher.

  • Purchase quantity and market demand also affect the price. If you buy these bumper car ride in bulk, the price will be cheaper. Especially buy from manufacturers. Meanwhile, market demand will also affect the price of bumper cars.

  • Countries that produce bumper cars:For different countries, the price of dodgems is very different. If you want to buy a cost-effective bumper car, you can consider Chinese bumper car manufacturers. For example, Dinis source amusement ride manufacturer, a reputable dodgem ride in China with over 20 years of production and export experience. However, if you want to buy high-end bumper cars with novel designs, you can buy American bumper cars. But the price will be higher. At the same time, you should have sufficient expenses. The main price is about $2,000.00 per set.

In summary, these are the factors affecting the price of bumper cars. These factors are for your reference only. If you want to know more information, please feel free to contact us by email. And we will reply as soon as possible and give you professional answer.